The former Grand Hotel in Bexhill was badly damaged by fire in 2003; it had closed down as a hotel and had been left empty for 2 years. The building was subsequently demolished and the area has been vacant and unsightly ever since.

Our client bought the site and we were asked to design a block of flats to sit comfortably in Bexhill. When the wonderful de la Warr Pavilion was being proposed, the 9th Earl De La Warr said that “It is the intention of the promoters that the building should be simple in design, and suitable for a holiday resort in the south of England. Character in design can be obtained by the use of large window spaces, terraces and canopies” We have sought to follow in a similar way with our design; the flats have large windows and balconies.
The building is currently under construction and we will be adding progress photos in due course.